Tees Shop » Guía de como comprar en Fanisetas.Com

Guía de como comprar en Fanisetas.Com

FANISETAS has prepared a graphical guide of how to make an order and how we work! Follow the steps and see that it is very easy to purchase one of our products!

how to buy fanisetas

Easy, simple, and for everybody. Would you like to repeat all steps written? Let's do it!

  1. Want to make an original gift and don't know what to buy? Fanisetas is your solution!
  2. Take a look on our extensive catalog, we have configurable products in model, size and color, unisex tees, tees for girls, long sleeve, hooides and mugs.
  3. But, of course, you may have doubts on choose your tee size....
  4. No problem, here we present a short size guide which we hope will be of your profit based on our experience selling all these years Check your size
  5. If you've managed to configure the product just add it to the cart and is ready for the next step, to prove whether your address details and check what is you shipping cost, and remember, if you buy 4 shirts or plus shipping costs are free! +info shipping costs
  6. ..and now payment! We provide you several ways to pay your order, payment method will vary depending on country of delivery, Bank Transfer, PayPal and Credit/Debit Card with secured gateway for payments.
  7. Once we receive your order and check that is paid (except COD of course) our hard workers, ewoks and chewie get to work..
  8. In press/print factory, receive all orders to print fanisetas tees at once, the printing process may take 2-3 days to get ready, for that reason you will not receive your faniseta the next day of purchase, we have to do them!
  9. Once printed the fanisetas, we review one by one to check that everything went perfectly.
  10. Then we proceed to pack all orders for shipping service.
  11. Each faniseta is sent to your customer thanks our winged monkeys thanks! Flyyyyyy damn Flyyyyyyy!
  12. Finally you get your precious tee in the place that you indicated in your order.
  13. And if despite everything, your tee comes with some bug, or the quality of the tee does not convince you, or not what you expected, what will you do? Call Ghostbusters or Follow the steps of change and returns!

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